
Showing posts from December, 2020

What is EMF of a cell ?

Answer:- The electromotive force, E of a cell is defined as the difference of potential between it's terminals when there is no current in external circuit i.e cell is in open circuit. That means the potential which has written on the battery is called EMF of that battery/cell. i.e in the given image 1.5V is the EmF of that battery.

Find the value of 2sin^-¹4/5 +sin^-¹24/25


Simplify Cos(2sin^-¹x)


What is interstitial compounds ?

Answer:- Interstitial compounds are those compounds which are formed when small atoms (like H,B,N & C etc.) are trapped inside the crystal lattices of metals.

What is a alloy ?

Answer:-  Alloys are made by mixing two or more elements at least one of which is metal. An alloy shows the properties of their constituent elements therefore an alloy is called mixture of components.(This property of alloys separate it from the ionic compounds e.g NaCl) Alloys cannot be separate by physical means. e.g Brass alloy→(copper-zinc)        Bronze alloy→(copper-tin)       Steel alloy→(Iron-carbon) →Stainless steel alloy is made up of(74% iron+18%chromium+8% nickel)

Variable oxidation state of 4th period element which are present in d-block elements.


Why do the transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies of atomisation ?

Answer:- Because of large number of unpaired electrons in atoms of transition element they have stronger interatomic interaction and hence stronger bonding between atoms resulting in higer enthalpies of atomisation.

What is enthalpy of atomisation ?

Answer:- Enthalpy of atomisation is the amount of enthalpy change(energy change) when all the bonds of a compound is broken into their constituent atoms. The compounds may be interatomic molecules or any other molecules.

Defination of transition elements.

Answer:- The elements which have partially filled (1-9) d-orbital in their ground state or in their stable oxidation state are called transition elements.

Why d-block elements are called transition elements ?

Answer:- The d-block elements are present in between S-block & p-block so these elements are show both the character of S-block & P-block elements due to this transition behaviour of d-block elements these are called transition elements.

Integration of√(1+sinx)


What is Thermonic emission ?

Answer:- When large amount of external energy in the form of heat is supplied to the free electrons of the metal electrons are ejected from metal surface,that phenomenon is called Thermonic emission.

What is stopping potential ?

Answer:- To stop the flow of electron(means photocurrent) in Photoelectric effect we have to increase negative potential at the anode,that negative potential repel the incoming electrons. At which negative potential of anode electrons flow will completely stop that negative potential is called stopping potential.

What is Hysteresis loss in transfermer ?

Answer:- The soft iron core in transfermer undergoes a complete cycle of magnetisation(that means magnetisation, demagnetization, remagnetisation) due to Alternating current (because it continuously change its direction).That magnetisation cycle results in some energy loss in form of heat called Hysteresis loss.

Why photocurrent increases with increase in intensity of light ?

Reason:-  Intensity of light increase means no. of photon increase, if no. of photon increase then they are  eject more electron from the metal surface that implies photocurrent increases because current increases with increase in no. of electron motion per unit time.(I=Q/t)  It is the answer to the question why photocurrent increases with increase in intensity of light.

Check whether the function f:R→R,f(x)=sgn(x) is bijective or not


Check whether the function,f: R→R ,f(x)=|x| is bijective or not


Check whether the function ,f:R→R,f(x)=[x] is bijective or not


Check whether the function f: (-1,1)→ R,f(x)=x/(1-x²) is bijective or not ?


Check whether the function f:R→R ,f(x)=x³+1 is bijective or not ?


Check whether the function f:R+→R+, f(x)=x+1/x is bijective or not


Check whether the function f:R→R, f(x)=x² is bijective or not ?


Check whether the function f:R→[-1,1], f(x)=sinx is bijective or not ?


How to know a function is invertible or not ?

If a function is both one-one & onto i.e bijective then the given function is invertible that means it has inverse. If their are two functions f & g  is said to be invertible or inverse functions, If fog=identity of x=x & gof=identity of y=y

If f: x→y & g: y→z are bijective then prove that (gof)^-¹ =f^-¹og^-¹

Proof:-                                                   proved

Mind map for Relation & Function


Prove that:If f:A→B & g:B→C both are one-one then gof:A→C is one-one.


Show that: a★b = a+b-ab on R–{1}, is a binary operation


Define dipole moment

It is defined as the product of the charge strength (q) and the distance (2l) separating the two charges. I.e →The dipole moment is a vector,     directed from the negative to positive     Charge.

Show that a~b(mod m) is an equivalence relation


Why Noble gases have very low boiling points ?

Noble gases being monoatomic have no interatomic forces except weak London dispersion force(which exist between two Noble atom e.g xe--xe when these are present near to each other), therefore they convert to Vapour at very low temperature. Hence they have low boiling points.

Why Hydrogen sulphide(H2S) is less acidic than Hydrogen Telluride( H2Te) ?

In group-16 down the group acidic character increases because down the group bond length between Hydrogen & group-16 element increase(due to large size of atoms)so bond strength decreases.Therefore H+ ion easily move from H2Te as compared to H2S,hence H2Te is more acidic than H2S.[A acid is said to be strong acid if it easily give H+ ion]

why does Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) dimerise ?

Answer:- NO2 contains odd number of valence electrons (5+6×2=17) it behaves as a typical odd molecule.On dimerisation it is converted to N2O4 which have even no. of electrons(5×2+6×4=34) which is stable. I.e

Prove that: 1coulomb=1/10 abcoulomb
