
Showing posts from July, 2023

what is twin paradox ?

The paradox is usually discussed in terms of a thought experiment involving twins. One twin gets into spaceship and makes long trip though space at speeds approaching the speed of light. When he returns he finds that his twin brother has aged far more than he has. In other words, time on the spaceship has gone at a slower rate than time on earth.

Generalised coordinates.

The degree of freedom(generalised coordinates) of a mechanical system is the minimum number of independent coordinates required to completely describe it's motion.

steps for finding Miller indices.

Step-I  First of all determine the intercepts of plane on the three co-ordinate axes. Step-II  Secondly, take the reciprocal of these intercepts. Step-III Lastly, reduce the reciprocals into whole numbers. This can be done by multiplying each reciprocal by a number obtained after taking L.C.M. of denominators. ★(h,k,L) is called Miller indices

space lattice or simple lattice.

Space lattice may be defined as an array of points in space such that the environment about each point is the same.

what is compound interest ?

Compound interest is the interest  earned on both the initial amount of money and the accumulated  interest from previous periods. It is a concept where the interest you earn or pay grows exponentially over time. This  compounding effect can lead to significant growth in investments or increased costs of borrowing. e.g if you have $100 and it earns 5% interest each year, you will have $105 at the end of the first year. At the end of the second year, you will have $110.25.