
Showing posts from January, 2022

Exact differential equation.

Answer:- An exact differential equation is formed by directly differentiating it's solution without any other process.    ★ Mdx+Ndy=0, is said to be an exact differential equation if it satisfies the following condition I.e (dM/dy)=(dN/dx) Where dM/dy denotes the differential co-efficient of M with respect to y keeping x constant and dN/dx,  the differential co-efficient of N with respect to x, keeping y constant.

How to solve exact differential equations.

Answer:- Let us consider an exact differential equation,  Mdx+Ndy=0 Steps to solve ★ Step-I    Integrate M w.r.t x keeping y constant. ★ Step-II    Integrate  w.r.t y, only those terms of N         which do not contain x. ★ Step-III    Result of I+Result of II = constant.    I.e mathematically,  

Solve, (x+y-10)dx+(x-y-2)dy=0.



Answer:- When white light passes from one optical medium to another, different colors of the light split, and this phenomenon of splitting of light into its components as a result of refraction is called dispersion.

Promotional energy.

Answer:- The energy needed to promote an electron from lower energy orbital to higher energy  orbital is called promotional energy.

Unstable equilibrium.

Answer:- A body is said to be in unstable equilibrium if after slightly displacing it, the forces acting are such that the body tends to go still farther from original equilibrium position.

Bond length.

Answer:- Bond length is defined as the average distance between the centres of the nuclei of the two bonded atoms in a molecule.

Solve, (D²+2D+3)y=sinx.


Matrix formulation of geometrical optics.

Answer:- In general, optical systems are made up of a large number of refracting surfaces (combination of lenses).To obtain the position of the final image due to such a system becomes complicated as the number of elements of an optical system increases.under such situations matrix method is used.

What is orientation ?

Answer:- The process of determining the particular site or sites in a molecule where the reaction is most likely to occur is known as orientation.

Solve, [1+log(xy)]dx+[1+x/y]dy=0.


Solve, {2xycosx²-2xy+1}dx+{sinx²-x²+3}dy=0.


Fermat's principle.

Statement:- “ A ray of light in passing from one point to another through a set of media by any no. of reflections or refractions chooses a path for which the time taken is either maximum or minimum(extremum) or constant in comparison to nearby paths.”

Pauli's exclusion principle.

Answer:- According to Pauli's exclusion principle, an orbital can have a maximum of two electrons and these two electrons must be of opposite spin.

Triangle law of vectors.

Answer:- If two vectors can be represented both in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in the same order, then the resultant is represented completely, both in magnitude and direction, by the third side of the triangle taken in the opposite order.

Electrovalent linkage.

Answer:- The compounds which are formed by the transference of one or more electrons from one atom to the other are called electrovalent or ionic compounds and the type of linkage is called electrovalent linkage.

Solve, (D²+2D+1)y=e^-x/x².


Solve, (D²-5D+6)y=e^xsinx.


Newton's 2nd law.

Answer:- The rate of change of momentum is directly  proportional to the impressed force & takes place in the direction of the impressed force.

What is benzenoid and non-benzenoid ?

Answer:- All aromatic compounds containing one or more benzene rings in their molecules are called benzenoid.And all aromatic compounds without benzene ring are called non-benzenoid.



Solve, (D²+5D+4)y=3-2x.


Solve, d²y/dx²+2dy/dx+2y=sinhx.


Solve (D²+5D+6)y=e^x.


Elastic potential energy or strain energy ?

Answer:- The workdone or energy spent on the body by deforming force remains stored up in the body in the form of potential energy called elastic potential energy or strain energy.

Why carbon tetrachloride is non-polar though C-Cl bond is polar ?

Answer:- As dipole moment is a vector quantity, the dipole moment of polyatomic molecule depends upon the geometry of the molecule.Though there are four C-Cl  polar bonds in carbon tetrachloride, it has no dipole moment as the vector sum of the individual C-Cl bond moments is zero.

Solve, d²y/dx² - 8dy/dx + 16y = 0.


Integrate (e²^x+1)/e^x.


Why methanol is stronger acid than ethanol ?

Answer:- CH3OH is more polar compared to C2H5OH.The reason is that +I effect due to ethyl group is more compared to methyl group.The formation of alkoxide ion is not favoured as it is not resonance stabilised. Its formation requires more energy.So considering the inductive effect and resonance effect it is inferred that methanol is stronger than ethanol.

Twisting torque on a cylinder.


Shear strain.

Answer:- Shear strain is measured by angle turned by a line originally perpendicular to the fixed face.

Prove that σ=(3k-2η)/(6k+2η).


Prove that η=Y/2(1+σ).


Prove that K=Y/3(1-2σ).


Express zi^-2xj^+yk^ in cylindrical co-ordinates.


Kelvin-Planck statement.

Answer:- “It is impossible to construct an engine which, operating in a cycle, has the sole effect of extracting heat from a reservoir and performing an equivalent amount of work.”

Derive de Broglie equation.


Stoke's theorem.

Answer:- Surface integral of the component of curl F along the normal to the surface S, taken over the surface S bounded by curve C is equal to the line integral of the vector point function F taken along the closed curve C. I.e

Thomson effect.

Answer:- When a temperature gradient is maintained between the different parts of the same metal,. there  exists a variation of potential along the metal i.e e.m.f is developed in the metal due to the gradient of temperature.The effect is known as Thomson effect.

Hund's rule.

Answer:- According to this rule,“no electron pairing takes place in the orbitals of p,d and f-subshells  until each orbital is singly filled with electrons having parallel spins.”

Prove that grad rⁿ=nrⁿ-²r.


Stefan's law.

Answer:- It states that the rate of emission of radiant energy by unit area of a perfectly black body is directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

Pairing energy.

Answer:- When two electrons are placed in the same orbital, considerable repulsion takes place among these electrons.To overcome this repulsion and keep together these electrons in the same orbital extra energy is needed.This energy which is needed for pairing of electrons is called pairing energy.

Surface integral.

Answer:- Surface integral of a vector function F over the surface S  is defined as the integral of the components of F along the normal to the surface.

Show that V=(2xy+z³)i^+x²j^+3xz²k^ is a conservative field.


Find workdone by a force yi^+xj^ which displaces a particle from origin to a point i^+j^.


Integrate sec¹¹∅tan∅.


Solar constant.

Answer:- It is the amount of heat energy (radiation) absorbed per minute by the sq. cm of a perfectly black body surface placed at a mean distance of the earth from the sun, in the absence of the atmosphere, the surface being held perpendicular to the sun's rays.


Answer:- In case of certain compounds, more than one structures can be written.However none of them is able to explain all the known properties of the compound.This phenomenon is called Resonance.

Find angle between the tangents to the curve r=t²i^+2tj^-t³k^, at the points t=±1.


Normal derivatives.

Answer:- If ∅(x,y,z)=C represents a family of surfaces for different values of the constant C.On differentiating ∅, we get d∅=0 then the derivative is called Normal derivatives

Galilean transformation.

Answer:- If their are two different types of coordinate system then equations relating the two sets of coordinates systems are called Galilean transformation. ★Galilean transformation equations are           x'=x-vt, y'=y, z'=z, t'=t

Dative bond.

Answer:- A dative bond is formed when an atom in a molecule or ion with complete octet donates its pair of electrons to the other atom. It is known as Co-ordinate or Dative bond.

Coupled differential equations.

Answer:- If two or more dependent variables are functions of a single independent variable,the equations involving their derivatives are called coupled differential equations.

Escape velocity.

Answer:- It is defined as the least velocity with which a body must be projected vertically upward in order that it may just escape the gravitational pull of earth.

Critical velocity.

Answer:- Critical velocity is the maximum velocity of the flow of liquid flowing in a streamlined flow.

Degenerate orbitals.

Answer:- The various orbitals present in the same subshell possess equal energy.Thus the energy of all the three orbitals of any level is the same.These are called degenerate orbitals.

Particle nature of electrons.

Answer:- When electrons are allowed to hit  at zinc sulphide coated on a plate, each striking electron produces a spot of light called scintillation.This scintillation is not spread out of an area like a, electron has a particle nature.

What is Del operater ?

Answer:- When a given field is expressed more than one variable say three variables x,y&z (In terms of Cartesian coordinates) then the operater two be used for obtaining rate of change is called del operater.

What is red shift ?

Answer:- The light from the distant stars & galaxies shows the shifting of their spectral lines towards the red colour that  means  they are receding from us this phenomenon is called red shift.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

Answer:- It is impossible to measure simultaneously both the position and velocity or momentum of a microscopic particle with absolute accuracy or certainty.

What is gravitational field ?

Answer:- The area round about a body within which it's force of gravitational attraction is perceptible(no other body being near about it) is called its gravitational field.

Dirac delta function.

Explanation:- A function which is zero everywhere  except at x=0 and at x=0 it is infinitely high and the area between it and the x-axis is finite and equal to unity such a function is known as Dirac delta function. Mathematically,

What is logarithmic decrement ?

Answer:- The ratio between two successive amplitudes of the oscillation is referred to as the logarithmic decrement for that motion or oscillation.

What is power dissipation ?

Answer:- In damped oscillation,there is gradual decrease of energy against the dissipative forces like force of friction such as air resistance, viscosity etc hence the rate of energy dissipation is called power dissipation.

Prove that curl grad S is zero.


What is Poisson's ratio ?

Answer:- The ratio between the lateral strain and linear strain due to a given tensile or compressive stress, within the elastic limit is found to be a constant called Poisson's ratio for the material of the body.

What is beam ?

Answer:- A rod or a bar of a circular or rectangular cross section, with its length very much greater than its thickness (so that there are no shearing stresses over any section of it) is called a beam.

What is gauss divergence theorem ?

Answer:- It states that the volume integral of the divergence of a vector field A taken over any volume V is equal to the surface integral of A taken over the closed surface surrounding the volume V. I.e

What is Lorentz transformation ?

Answer:- A set of equations which represent how the coordinates of space 🌌 & time of an event in one frame is related to coordinates of same event in another inertial frame of reference moving with uniform velocity is known as Lorentz transformation equations.